Welcome to a series of short episodes where I answer "17 Questions That Changed My Life" from Tim Ferriss.
I journaled each morning on these questions and I am excited to share my answers with you and how I am applying them to my massage practice, business, and personal life. Today's question is, "Do I Have To Make It Back The Way I Lost It?" Do you know anyone who quit massage school near the end? Do you know anyone who failed the boards and decided to not try again? Do you know anyone who passed the boards and decided to not even begin a career in massage therapy? Are you a "finisher" and do you feel that once you start something you have to complete it? Even if you're not into it anymore? Check out this episode for permission on letting go of finishing just because you started and understand that as massage therapists we don't have to make our money back the way that we "lost it" in the first place! I hope you enjoy! If you play along and ponder these 17 questions, I would love for you to share your answers with The Radical RMT community or send me a DM! Instagram: @TheRadicalmassagetherapist THE FULL LIST OF QUESTIONS Krista Dicks Hello radical massage therapists. Welcome to another episode of the radical massage therapist podcast. We are exploring 17 questions that changed my life according to Tim Ferriss, and I'm interpreting them for myself and also for your massage career. And my massage career too. today's question is do I need to make it back the way I lost it? WHAT DOES IT MEAN TO MAKE MONEY BACK THE WAY YOU LOST IT? He asked himself this question when he was owning a home, and it was more or less a vacation home. And so he really wasn't there all the time. And he was feeling a lot of pressure from friends to rent it out. And ultimately, this created a lot more of a headache for him than he he wanted, right? I mean, you have to find tenants short term long term, you need people to clean it, there's, you know, risk and responsibility there. All of these pains in the butts, that ultimately just weren't worth it for him. And he decided to just leave it empty anyway, when he wasn't there. So that for him was just a lot, it felt a lot better than listening to other people say like, oh, he was throwing money away, if he was going to have it empty, and nobody was going to be in it. So how does this relate to our profession? DO YOU KNOW ANYONE THAT QUIT MASSAGE? Well, as a massage therapist and our education, do you know any massage therapist who you went to school with for massage therapy, and actually never took the board exams? I know a few. And do you know, or did they take the board exams and then failed, and decided to not try again, but ultimately, they decided that massage therapy was not for them. Do you know anyone who dropped out very close to the finish line, like they didn't, they didn't like they, you know, stopped going to school at they just decided not to do it. After all of the hard work, I decided to just not pursue massage. So I know people from my class. And from you know, then colleagues as well that I've worked with that just ultimately decided massage therapy was not for them at different all of these different stages. I know examples. And I find it really interesting because I am an ER probably was more. In my past a person that felt like once I started something I had to follow through and finish it. And I massage therapy was a long term goal of mine. And I was not letting anything come in between that and I had some very supportive people make sure that I did get to the finish line. But that quitting was not an option for me and following it all the way through was definitely going to Yeah, it was the end end goal. For me. I knew that I didn't want to take the board exams for a second time because they were crazy stressful. And so I was going to get it right the first time if if I had failed, and then I might not have tried again. But I just told myself, I was not going through that again. So I was going to make sure that I passed and thankfully, you know I did. So what I feel like a lot of us can be in this position where if you start something you feel like you have to finish it and follow it all the way through. As I said in my last episode, like I went to Queen's University and received a BA in English, but I knew I wasn't going to do anything with that degree. I GIVE YOU PERMISSION TO QUIT Having the education doesn't always guarantee a job either, right? It's all too common that we may personally feel that once we started selling them, we have to finish it if you went to school for it, you need to find a job in it. And maybe it's the pressure you put on yourself or maybe it's from your friends and family. But I'm here to give you the permission that you do not have to stick with something that makes you unhappy, drains your energy and feels like a waste of time. THE COURAGE TO QUIT MASSAGE THERAPY As I said, I know colleagues who have gone on to do different things after completing massage school or actually being in massage for only a relatively short amount of time. One of my classmates did fail the board exam decided not to take it again and she became a physio assistant and now she's the wedding officiant I know a colleague who was a massage therapist for a while and then decided that she wanted to become a full time author and she's awesome. I know. acquaintances who have stopped getting massage therapy and then became nurses and went to nursing school. And I know a massage therapist who you know, just ultimately injuries took over for you And she became a radiologist. So lots of great examples, I'm sure you have some for yourself. And I'm sure there's more, those are just off the top of my, my head. But I don't believe you have to make the money back the way that you lost it. And I don't feel like should put that pressure on yourself that just because you went to school for something like massage therapy, that you need to finish in massage therapy. And at the time, because I was such a finisher. And because I'm so hard, being in massage school, I just I personally didn't understand how they can get so far, and not follow through after everything that they went through, because I was going through it as well. But I look back. And I mean, it's wonderful that they had the courage to make those decisions, and to ultimately do something that would bring them more happiness. LET IT GO AND MAKE ROOM FOR NEW IDEAS So you can definitely make money back in other ways. You can also really just accept at that time, that effort that money is gone. And just let it go. This is also something that I'm learning in other ways of my life, which is really, really nice. So imagine the attention and the mind space that's freed up once you do let it go and the attention that you can now turn towards new ideas instead. I DON'T HAVE TO MAKE THE MONEY BACK AS A MASSAGE THERAPIST As you know, I'm a clinic owner, if I lose money on the clinic, I'm almost one year in business now. And it's going very well. But I know that I don't need to try and pay back that loan by doing more massage. In fact, they might be a little bit burnt out if I try to do that. But I could, as I said in the previous episode, the loan that I have is not anything crazy. And I should and will have it paid off by the one year anniversary of me opening the clinic. But I shouldn't feel that pressure to just make it back as a massage therapist, I could try something completely different, and pay that loan back. And sometimes, you know, within the clinic ownership position, there's admin work. And there's a member of that comes with owning a business. And we all have admin work. By the way behind the scenes, no matter if you own a clinic or you are self employed or you know, you are an employee with another clinic, um, you do have some behind the scenes work. So it's sometimes I, when I first started that all the admin work for the clinic, I felt a little bit like I was losing money from the clinic because I was not working in, I was not working as working as a massage therapist and making money for the clinic. But I have now reframed that to understand that me taking the time to do the work on the admin to work on the business means that there is availability on the calendar for another massage therapist to be hands on in the clinic. And this is a win win. It's a win win. Because as we all know, if you are an independent contractor, the more hours you can get, the more money that you make. And so if that frees up time for another massage therapist to work and to earn more money, that's going to make them happy. And ultimately, the clinic is going to make a percentage of that as well. And I'm in the background doing admin work. So in a way, yes, I am getting paid. But it is a it's a win win win, I think and it took me just a second to reframe that. But I really felt like when I wasn't working at the clinic. And I'm also trying to be a strong example, as well, that but so if I'm not at the clinic working at almost, I feel kind of kind of crappy. But I understand that there's admin work that has to go on behind the scenes. And then you also want to consider if there are headaches associated with just trying to earn that money back. So as I said in the example that Tim had was renting a house, if a house that you own if you're not going to be there. And that can ultimately be a bigger headache. So if the headache is not worth the money that you're going to be losing then I would say not to do it. And also, let's say you wanted to earn more money back by having more therapists and a clinic but ultimately this was just going to be more work, have more costs behind the scenes if you needed a bigger space, etc. So maybe there's other places that you can use your time and energy to earn income that replaces what you may be losing. My short answer is no, you do not have to make the money back the way that you lost it and YOUR TURN And I would love to know if you've been in the situation before if you have stories of colleagues who really went almost all the way to the finish line or did the finish line and then just weren't massage therapists for very long and what they're doing now I love these stories. I think they can be inspiring as well. If you would love to share them, please do so by me on Instagram at the radical massage therapist. And thanks so much for listening. I hope you have an awesome day. Transcribed by MORE FROM THIS EPISODE Listen to Episode 50 Work Abroad as a Massage Therapist with Krista Dicks Listen to Episode 58 What is the worst thing that could happen and could I get back here? JOIN THE NEXT RADICAL POWER HOUR CO-WORKING SESSION Stay Tuned BOOK A FREE VIRTUAL CHAT WITH ME Want some help with discovering your own real world MBA? I seriously love this stuff and would love to help you if you are feeling stuck or overwhelmed. Please don't hesitate to send me a DM @theradicalmassagetherapist or email [email protected] ABOUT Krista Dicks, RMT since 2006, practices in Ottawa, Canada and is a Certified Stott Pilates instructor. She is the host of The Radical RMT Podcast and has been published in the International Journal of Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork and received an honourable mention in the Massage Therapy Foundation Inaugural Practitioner Case Report Contest. Krista is co-host of the first annual “Take Care of You School.” This virtual event for massage therapists focused on self-care for the massage therapist and presenters were represented globally to share their experience on topics of physical, mental, emotional, and financial well-being. It’s Krista's goal to encourage massage therapists to experience life on their terms thanks to the opportunities we have in our profession. With a willingness to grow and self-care of body and mind she believes we can maintain long-term fulfilling careers. CONTACT [email protected] |
I'm a girl who was told by my grandma that I have magic hands and so I became a massage therapist. I love reading in bed, the combo of peanut butter and chocolate anything, and working from my laptop or phone with my dogs by my side. My mission? To help other massage therapists own their awesome and do what they love every darn day! Even if that love is not massage therapy.