This is a short episode with me, Krista; the host of The Radical RMT Podcast! On The Radical RMT podcast, I not only want to share the stories, advice, and routines of Radical RMTs but, I would also like to share with you the useful tips, and habits that I have learned along the way to help me create my own version of living a Radical RMT lifestyle and I hope it may be useful to you as well. This episode is about Batching!
I explain the benefits of batching the same tasks together
Why we should stop giving our limited time and attention to each individual task as it comes up
I share my own version of how I batch tasks weekly
What bad habit am I guilty of doing almost daily?
Did you find this episode helpful? Share your own version of batching with me [email protected]
Thanks so much for listening, and I hope you have an awesome day!