Dr. Matt Maggio is a soft tissue injury treatment specialist with 14 years of experience. Dr. Maggio, also the program coordinator for Adhesion Release Methods, shares his unique approach to soft tissue work that helps massage therapists achieve more consistent results while working less. In this conversation, Dr. Maggio discusses the importance of focusing on treatment outcomes rather than time spent, the significance of specializing in a niche, and how massage therapists can play a key role in addressing the opioid epidemic by treating the root causes of pain. He also highlights the benefits of educating clients, establishing boundaries, and charging for results instead of time. This episode is packed with valuable insights for massage therapists looking to enhance their practice, reduce burnout, and achieve greater career sustainability.
Don't be afraid to stand out.
Photo by Leon Rockel on Unsplash
Dr. Matt Maggio is a soft tissue injury treatment specialist. He has been the clinic director for Peak Injury Solutions in Raleigh, North Carolina since 2012. His focus is on diagnosing and treating adhesion, aka scar tissue, and reducing inflammation from chronic injuries, without the use of drugs, injections, or surgeries, which leads to a significant increase in overall function, flexibility, and long-lasting pain relief. He is also the program coordinator for Adhesion Release Methods where we teach overworked manual therapists a new treatment system that eliminates the frustrations of not getting consistent results, all while working 50 percent less and easily doubling their income. CONTACT Website: IG: LinkedIn: Youtube: MORE Free 5 Day Find, Feel & Fix Sciatica Nerve Challenge: |